Our Junior Martial Arts program focuses on building strength, coordination, balance, and a solid base of the fundamentals of mixed martial arts. Students will learn the basic punches, kicks, and blocks of kickboxing and how to put those together into basic striking combinations. As the junior student advances more intermediate and advanced techniques may be practiced along with different styles of light contact sparring. We will also focus on developing good footwork so the student can move their body as to be a harder target to hit (and harder to grab in an abduction situation).

The basics of submission grappling are also an important part of the Junior Martial Arts program. Students will learn how to get an opponent to the ground through take-downs, controlling different positions on the ground, how to escape positions, and how to avoid getting taking down to the ground. Also, the student will learn how to apply and defend against grappling holds and locks such as chokes, headlocks, and many other common attacks.

All of the kickboxing and grappling are tied into the student’s self-defense training. This is achieved through practicing realistic self-defense scenario drills, light contact sparring (boxing, kickboxing, and MMA), and submission grappling with other students under the watch of the instructor.

Student’s will learn to use their best weapon, their voices, against an adult stranger and what to do in an attempted abduction scenario. Students will also learn the following: how to deal with bullies, develop self-discipline, respect for themselves and others, learn to focus and how to be aware of their environment to avoid bad situations.

The BEGINNER JUNIOR MIXED MARTIAL ARTS classes meet Monday at 5:30pm, Tuesday at 4:30pm, Wednesday 5:30pm, Thursday at 4:30 pm. Students may attend 2 classes per week. 1 “A” day from Monday/Tuesday, 1 “B” day from Wednesday/Thursday.